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Sophia University Professor

Jan. 15, 2024: “Addressing Global Challenges: Renewable Energy and ESG Investment” (Lecturer: Mr. Hideo Tanimoto, President and Representative Director of Kyocera Corporation and Prof. Masafumi Hikima, Executive Trustee for Strategic Planning of Sophia School Corporation)

TitleAddressing Global Challenges: Renewable Energy and ESG Investment
HostSophia University
Mr. Hideo Tanimoto
President and Representative Director of Kyocera Corporation
“Kyocera’s New Challenge in Expanding Renewable Energy”

Prof. Masafumi Hikima
Executive Trustee for Strategic Planning of Sophia School Corporation
“Current Status and Future Prospects of Sustainable Investment at Sophia School Corporation”
FacilitatorDaisaku Higashi (Professor, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University)
DateJan. 15, 2025
MethodOnline (Zoom)