English 日本語

Sophia University Professor

Dr. Daisaku HIGASHI
Dr. Daisaku HIGASHI
  • • Professor in the Center for Global Education and Discovery at Sophia University in Tokyo(2016-Current)
  • • Minister-Cousellor in the Japanese mission to the United Nations in New York (2012-2014)
  • • Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo (2011-2012, 2014-2016)
  • • Team Leader for Reconciliation and Reintegration in UNAMA in Kabul (2009-2010)
  • • MA & Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Canada (2004-2012)
  • • Program Director at NHK (Japan Public TV Station)(1993-2004)
Dr. Daisaku HIGASHI

Dr. Daisaku Higashi is a professor at Sophia University in Tokyo. He is specialized in mediation on armed conflicts, post-conflict peacebuilding, and international relations. He started his career as a program director at NHK, Japan Public TV Stations and produced numerous documentaries on international conflicts, including “Rebuilding Iraq: Challenges of UN” which he received the silver medal from UN Correspondents Association in New York in 2004. Then, he took MA and Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Canada. He also worked for United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) as a team leader for reconciliation and reintegration in Kabul (2009-2010), as well as Minister-Counsellor in the Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN in NY (2012-2014) as a part of exchange program between Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University of Tokyo where he served as Associate Professor. He transferred to a tenure position at Sophia University in 2016. Since 2018, Prof. Higashi has been frequently assigned by Japanese Foreign Ministers to go to Iraq and South Sudan to make intellectual contributions for peacebuilding, meeting with numerous leaders including vice presidents of both Iraq and South Sudan. His publication includes “How Can We End the War in Ukraine” (Iwanami Shinsho 2023), “Inclusivity in Mediation and Peacebuilding: UN, Neighboring States, and Global Power” (Edward Elgar 2022), “Civil Wars and Mediation: How Can We End the Modern Wars” (Chuko Shinsho 2020), “Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peacebuilding: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sierra Leone and East Timor” (Routledge 2015), “Peacebuilding: Field Research in Afghanistan and East Timor” (Iwanami Shinsho 2009), “How Can We Support Victims of Violent Crimes” (Koudansha 2006), and “Why Did We Go to War: Dialogues between leaders of US and Vietnam in the Vietnam War” (Iwanami 2000).

Newspapers and Media

Feb 26, 2023: NHK (Japan Public TV Station) Sunday Debate, “One Year Anniversary after Russian Invasion of Ukraine”, commentator in the Program

Jun, 2020 "Is this the last chance for peace in South Sudan? Q&A with Dr. Daisaku Higashi" (International Peace Institute in New York)

Jun 23, 2018: Asahi Newspaper “Front Runner on Peacebuilding” Interview

Jul. 4, 2023: The Mainichi Newspaper, Interview with Prof. Higashi, "The Global South

Feb 26, 2023: NHK (Japan Public TV Station) Sunday Debate, “One Year Anniversary after Russian Invasion of Ukraine”, commentator in the Program

June, 2020 “Is This the last chance for peace in South Sudan? Q&A with Dr. Daisaku Higashi”, (Internacional Peace Institute in New York)

Jun 23, 2018: Asahi Newspaper “Front Runner on Peacebuilding”, Interview